This document describes how event hooks work in the Translate extension; how to add hooks for an event; and how to run hooks for an event. == Rationale == Hooks allow us to decouple optionally-run code from code that is run for everyone. It allows MediaWiki hackers, third-party developers and local administrators to define code that will be run at certain points in the mainline code, and to modify the data run by that mainline code. Hooks can keep mainline code simple, and make it easier to write extensions. Hooks are a principled alternative to local patches. == Writing hooks == === PHP hooks === The hooks for the Translate extension are documented here: For a guide to PHP hooks, navigate to your root MediaWiki directory, and then find docs/ The documentation is part of the hook interfaces. === JavaScript hooks === JavaScript hooks for the Translate extension use the standard mw.hook API provided by MediaWiki. Hooks are prefixed with mw.translate as a convention. == Events and parameters == This is a list of known events and parameters; please add to it if you're going to add events to the Translate extension. === JavaScript events === ;mw.translate.editor.afterSubmit: Provides an opportunity to modify a Translate translation form immediately after it is submitted jQuery form: The form that has just been submitted ;mw.translate.editor.afterEditorShown: Provides an opportunity to manipulate the editing interface once it's shown jQuery translateEditor.$editor: The current translation-editing form ;mw.translate.editor.beforeSubmit: Provides an opportunity to modify a Translate translation form immediately before it is submitted jQuery form: The form being submitted ;mw.translate.messagetable.formatMessageBeforeTable: Provides an opportunity to manipulate the display of translation strings (messages) in the main table object message: The message object, with a range of useful (and manipulable) properties ;mw.translate.editor.showTranslationHelpers: Provides an opportunity to handle custom translation helpers object result.helpers: JSON subset focusing on the helpers returned e.g. result.helpers.definition jQuery translateEditor.$editor: The current translation-editing form ;mw.translate.translationView.stateChange: Returns the new state of the group after the state changes (i.e. after the message group or target language changes) object stateInfo: The new state object, with info on message group, language and message list ;wikipage.content: See this hook in MediaWiki core. Fired for message documentation in the translation editor. jQuery $content